The forget-me-not flower expresses the theme of eternal remembrance, and is also meant to symbolically evoke the past, present, and future experiences of the Armenian people. It was issued by the Republic of Armenian as the official emblem of the worldwide observance of the centennial year of the 1915 Armenian Genocide. Here are the various components making up the emblem:
THE PAST: The black center represents the sufferings of 1915, and the dark aftermath of the Armenian Genocide.
THE PRESENT: The light purple petals represents the unity of Armenian communities across the world - all of whom stand together in this 100th year of remembrance.
THE FUTURE: The five petals represent the five continents where survivors of the Armenian Genocide found a home. The dark purple color is meant to recall the priestly vestments of the Armenian Church - which has been, is, and will remain at the heart of the Armenian Christian identity.
ETERNITY: The twelve trapezoids represent the twelve pillars of the Dzidzernagapert Armenian Genocide memorial in Yerevan, Armenia. The yellow color represents light, creativity, and hope.
